Monday, July 15, 2013

Brian's Visit - Day 1

Blame it on sequestration or lame airlines - who knows why - but Brian's flight was delayed and he didn't get into Richmond until around 1 a.m., which didn't put him back home until 2:30 a.m.  Thus, we got a late start today.  Once we got to the house around 10:30, we took Brian on a tour around the house to give him an idea of all the things that need to be done.  Brian, ever the optimist, thinks we can accomplish all of the things on our "to do" list and then some.

The main thing "the men" (Brian, Caleb and my dad) accomplished today was getting sheet rock up in the basement.  When we bought the sheet rock at Lowe's this weekend Caleb was obsessed with asking me, "How are we going to get this on the ceiling?" as if I knew the answer.  Apparently the sheet rock is ridiculously heavy.  I wouldn't know because I was able to claim the broken arm to get out of the heavy lifting.  Low and behold, Brian arrives and says, "Oh shoot, I forgot to ask you to rent a sheet rock lift."  Aha!  So that's how you lift these heavy 4 foot by 8 foot pieces of gypsum on the ceiling!  So my dad and I headed to an equipment rental place and got the sheet rock lift.  By the time we got back it was 2 p.m.

But, with three men drilling, they were able to sheet rock most of the 575 square foot basement in the next 3 hours.  They couldn't finish it all because my mom insisted we were all home for dinner.  Thank you mom for feeding us!

The other thing we started was the process of getting rid of the intercoms!  The hated, ugly, 1970s intercoms.  Step one, remove screws and remove intercoms from wall.  Step two ... I have no idea what they did for step two because I was at the rental place picking up the sheet rock lift.  But when I come home, this is what I saw:

A wall in each bedroom that looked like this, and a pile of things pulled out of walls.  I've been told the holes will need several layers of this wall compound and lots of sanding, so it won't look like abstract art forever.

Looking forward to what tomorrow may hold!

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