Wednesday, July 10, 2013

You can die now

I have spent every free moment of the last 3 months checking out design blogs in anticipation of our new home.  Since I've broken my arm the obsession has only grown.  The NSA probably already knows exactly how I'm going to decorate Lucy's bedroom.

Knowing that background, here is a list of things I think need to stop trending NOW.

1. Chevron.  This is going to look dated faster than Hammer pants.

Mark my words.

2. Mustaches. Really?  Really?  When did this come back as a thing?  Mustaches were, are and will forever be creepy.

Do you see the similarities?

3. Pennants Banners, or "bunting."  Don't get me wrong, I love bunting for how it's an eco-friendly party decorating item.  You can use the same bunting for every party and no one will know.  What drives me crazy is the mass proliferation of bunting as a cutesy artistic statement.  I get that it's cheery.  I get that it's colorful.  I like cheery and colorful.  But it's become the new "bird" of design.  Cards, baby onesies, necklaces.  STOP. IT. NOW.

 Put a Bird on It

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