Saturday, July 6, 2013

1 month in

So, we bought our house a month ago, and what have we accomplished?  TWO things on our "to do" list.  I believe that makes us 1% closer to our goal.  In my defense, we would have been able to cross off three things this month had I not fallen off a ladder while painting the basement and broken my arm a week ago.

House, 1.  Kristin, 0.  So far the house is winning, Charlie Sheen style.

At this point it is a miracle that I can type this blog post left handed with a minimal number of type-o's.  I don't see my contribution to DIY projects over the next 4 weeks to be significant seeing as how I can't drive, write, lift things or feed myself.

I want to state here, for the record, how crazy I feel when all I can do is sit on my butt.  Today Caleb and I got in a fight - our first in a while.  Partly because my feeling out of control has a direct correlation with my ability to lose it.  And partly because the financial pressure of paying for a mortgage and rent, while not making any progress on the house, became real as we discussed our budget for the next few months.  The words, "Buying this house was a mistake" were indeed uttered.  But it's too late now.

What's really amazing is how people have stepped up to help.  Next Saturday a group of friends and church members are coming to help us paint the outside of our house - shutters, trim and doors.  The day after that my cousin is flying in from Minnesota to help us repair the deck and get rid of the intercom system.  Hopefully by the end of July I will feel differently about our decision to purchase the house.

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